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Year 2021

Basic research projects funded by the Research Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

Project leader: prof. dr. Mitja Žagar
Project no.: 
Applicant - Research organisation:  Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja (INV)/ Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES)
Partner institutions: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede (FDV UL) /University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), Slovenski razi, skovalni inštitut, Trst (SLORI) /Slovene Research Institute Slovenski znanstveni inštitut, Celovec (SZI)/Slovene Scientific Institute
Researchers: dr. Danijel Grafenauer (IES/INV), dr. Boris Jesih (IES/INV), prof. dr. Matjaž Klemenčič (IES/INV), dr. Barbara Riman (IES/INV), izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Udovič (FSS/FDV UL), dr. Zaira Vidau (SLORI), Milan Obid (SZI)
Duration of the project: October 2021 – September 2024

Immigrant integration through civic and political participation
Project leader: dr. Mojca Medvešek
Project no.:  J5-3119
Partner institution: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede (FDV UL)
Researchers: dr. Janez Pirc (IES/INV), dr. Romana Bešter (IES/INV), Antonija Todić (IES/INV), izr. prof. dr. Mitja Hafner Fink (FSS/FDV UL), doc. dr. Meta Novak FSS/FDV UL), doc. dr. Simona Zavratnik (FSS/FDV UL)
Founding: ARRS
Duration of the project: October 2021 – September 2024

Head of the project: dr. Sonja Novak - Lukanović
Project co-workers: dr. Katalin Munda Hirnok (INV), dr. Attila Kovács (INV), dr. Mitja Žagar (INV), dr. Mojca Medvešek (INV), dr. Nives Zudič Antonič (UP FHŠ), dr. Anja Zorman (UP FHŠ), dr. David Limon (FF UL), dr. Michele Gazzola
Founding: SRA/ARRS
Project no.: J6-9373
Duration of the project: 2018 - 2021

Izzivi integracije priseljencev in razvoj integracijske politike v Sloveniji
Head of the project: dr. Mojca Medvešek
Project co-workers: dr. Romana Bešter, dr. Miran Komac, dr. Janez Pirc, dr. Mitja Žagar, Sabina Zorčič
Founding: ASRA/RRS
Project no.: J5-9351 
Duration of the project: 2018 - 2021

Zavarovana območja ob slovensko-madžarski meji. Izzivi sodelovanja in trajnostnega razvoja.
Head of the project: dr. Jurij Fikfak, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje ZRC SAZU
IES: dr. Katalin Munda Hirnok
Founding: ARRS
Project no.: J6-8254 
Duration of the project: 1. June 2017 - 31. May 2020

Socialna, gospodarska in kulturna zgodovina slovenskega izseljenstva 1945-2015
Head of the project: dr. Janja Žitnik Serafin, ZRC SAZU
IES: dr. Damir Josipovič
Project no.: J5-8246
Duration of the project:  1. June 2017 - 31. May 2020 


CRP - Target research programmes
Head of the project: dr. Janez Pirc
Project co-workers:  dr. Romana Bešter, dr. Miran Komac
Project no.: V5-1703
Founding: ARRS, MIZŠ 
Duration of the project: 2018 – 2020 

Vloga dvojezičnega šolstva pri ustvarjanju podlag za uresničevanje institucionalne dvojezičnosti na narodno mešanem območju v Prekmurju
Head of the project: dr. Mojca Medvešek
Project co-workers:  dr. Katalin Munda Hirnök, dr. Attila Kovács, dr. Sonja Novak Lukanović, dr. Anna Kolláth (UM FF), dr. Jutka Rudaš (UM FF)
Project no.:  V5-1704
Founding: ARRS, MIZŠ
Duration of the project: 2018 – 2020 

Slovensko zamejstvo kot vsebine kurikula osnovnih in srednjih šol v Sloveniji
Head of the projectdr. Milan Bufon, ZRS Koper
IES: dr. Barbara Riman, dr. Danijel Grafenauer
Project no.:  V5 - 1709
Duration of the project: 1. 4. 2018 - 30. 9. 2019

Other research projects 

Aktualna politična situacija med pripadniki slovenske skupnosti na Hrvaškem
Head of the project: dr. Barbara Riman
Founding: Urad Vlade republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu
Duration of the project: 2019

Jezikovna podoba Porabja
Head of the project: dr. Katalin Munda Hirnök
Urad Vlade republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu
Duration of the project:

Dva je več kot ena - vzgoja dvojezičnih otrok v FJK
Head of the project: dr. Sara Brezigar
Urad Vlade republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu
Duration of the project:

Building the peace region Alps-Adria
Head of the project: dr. Danijel Grafenauer
Urad Vlade republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu
Duration of the project:





Slovenian minority in Croatia faces low political participation and teacher shortages


The project "SPOZNAJ - Support for the Implementation of Open Science Principles in Slovenia" just launched. This initiative involves the Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana and 20 Slovenian public research organizations, all of which will align their practices with open science practices.


Associates of the institute dr. Lara Sorgo and dr. Sabina Zorčič received awards at the end of 2022 for their doctoral theses, where they research the individual's formation of identity and personal belonging.


The institute has begun its collaboration in the 3-year project LEGITIMULT - "Legitimate crisis governance in multilevel systems" (Horizon Europe)
