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Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity - ADUM

Koordinator: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona, Catalonia)                                                                  
Partnerji: Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Centre for European Research, Wales; Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, Centro Internazionale sul Plurilinguismo, Università degli Studi di Udine and the independent consultant Dónall Ó'Riagáin from Ireland
Koordinator na INV: dr. Mitja Žagar (INV)
Sodelavci: dr. Romana Bešter (INV), dr. Sara Brezigar (INV), dr. Miran Komac (INV), dr. Sonja Novak-Lukanovič (INV)                             
Financer: EU- Evropska komisija (Direktorat kultura)       
Obdobje trajanja projekta: 2006–2008
Povezava: www.adum.info                                                                                

Projekt ponuja tistim institucijam, organizacijam, asociacijam in posameznikom, ki želijo delovati na področju manjšinskih ali regionalnih jezikov, informacije o evropskih programih, prek katerih se lahko (so)financirajo njihovi projekti in dejavnosti. Hkrati ADUM ponuja elektronski prostor, v okviru katerega lahko partnerji predstavljajo, pripravljajo in razvijajo svoje projekte ter iščejo partnerje.

The ADUM project aims to offer people and organisations throughout Europe that work for the so-called “regional” or "minority" languages information on the European programmes that can be used to (co)fund projects to promote these languages. ADUM also offers a virtual space to aid the drafting of European proposals by bodies and people working for over 60 linguistic communities across Europe.  

The project has received co-funding thanks to a call for proposals published by the European Commission, in the context of the Communication from the Commission, Promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity: An Action Plan 2004–2006. 

The site includes complete information on how to develop a fully-fledged project proposal to present to the Commission with as high a chance of obtaining co-funding as possible:

  1. A short introductory text in the "Develop your proposal" section explains the steps to be followed.
  2. A short chart-style presentation of the results of our "Community needs" analysis, which enables readers to identify the language communities whose priority needs are consistent with their idea. A longer text, which explains the theoretical grounding for our work, can also be accessed.
  3. A description of EU programmes and actions which might be suitable for funding a project.
  4. The appropriate tools to draft a project proposal. These basic learning resources are: (a) the "Guidelines", a fairly detailed document explaining the whole process (both technical and administrative), from a problem-solving perspective; and giving advice on both how to design a project and how to write the proposal; (b) the "Case studies" (examples of real proposals of past or ongoing co-funded projects); and (c) a "Research database", that is, links to institutions offering background information, including addresses of regional EU offices, etc.

ADUM is also intended to be a meeting point, by means of a networking section, for all those interested in looking for suitable partners for projects as well as a resource where one can find experts to seek advice from. To do so, the site includes a “new posting” section which allows users to make their expertise and interest known to other users.

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V petek, dne 19. aprila sta Enoto INV v Lendavi obiskala dr. Andor Mészáros, profesor Oddelka za Srednjeevropske študije na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze Eötvös Loránd iz Budimpešte (ELTE) in mladi raziskovalec, doktorski študent oddelka Kristóf Kovács.


V soboto, dne 13. aprila se je sodelavec INV, dr. Attila Kovács udeležil srečanja slovenskih pravnikov v Narodnem domu v Trstu.


Vabimo vas na predstavitev znanstvene monografije INV z naslovom "Raznolikost v raziskovanju etničnosti: izbrani pogledi III", ki bo v sredo, 24.4.2024, ob 11. uri v sejni sobi INV.


Vabljeni na mednarodni simpozij, kjer bo sodelavec dr. Robert Devetak nastopil s prispevkom: Dobrodelno delovanje goriškega plemstva v desetletjih pred prvo svetovno vojno.
